MAKE Licensing Research Method

4. MAKE Licensing Research Method DIAGRAM v2.png

Building a unique research process just for licensing policies 

In 2004 we created its first iteration of the MAKE Licensing Research Method to support local licensing authorities generate the evidence they needed to underpin and shape their licensing policies. In particular, the process helps authorities reach a decision on whether or not to introduce (or retain) Cumulative Impact Policies (CIPs), i.e. policies which make obtaining new licences more difficult in areas suffering from crime and disorder and public nuisance (linked to a saturation of licensed premises).   

We pioneered our MAKE Licensing Research Method in Richmond upon Thames and have subsequently used it with a range of authorities in London and across England and Wales, improving and enhancing it ever since.

We wrote the book on measuring cumulative impact 

As there is now a legal requirement for all Cumulative Impact Policies to be underpinned by a Cumulative Impact Assessment, we have been working with our clients to refine what we already know works and to ensure that their data is more rigorous and robust than ever.

Bringing together, crime and community safety data, public health evidence, ambulance and hospital statistics, and ten other forms of data, within a series of GIS maps, tables and commentary, the MAKE Licensing Research Method is the most robust way of underpinning a Statement of Licensing Policy.

A complete licensing solution: from data to publication 

In turn, this can be used by the council to draft its licensing policy or we can draft it for you, working with the relevant authorities, licensees, the community, officers, elected members, legal counsel and other stakeholders. We use our expertise in community involvement to maximise engagement in the process and our experience of council democratic processes in preparing any of the key documents such as the statutory consultation, equalities impact assessments and committee reports, if these are required.

Licensing impacts well beyond licensing policies - make sure your policy recognises this 

Increasingly we are helping councils ensure their licensing policies align with and help deliver their other strategies, for example the borough strategy, community safety, planning and regeneration, community involvement, children and young people and sexual exploitation and CCE. Licensing policies can no longer sit in a regulatory shaped silo.

For more information on the MAKE Licensing Research Method or just for some free advice on how to develop your Statement of Licensing Policy and Cumulative Impact Assessment please contact us…