Measuring the Night-Time Economy

In 2008 MAKE originated the concept of measuring the night-time economy (NTE). We called this model the MAKE NightMix Index. The NMI uses various public and private datasets (including from our friends at CGA Nielsen) to put a value on NTE turnover, employment, taxes, firm births and deaths, as well as to measure the night sector’s performance over time.

Since then, we have widened the metrics we deploy beyond economics to a more holistic version of NightMix. We believe NightMix should be the ‘baseline’ of any night-time strategy. These new metrics include the mapping of creative and performance spaces, after hours retail provision, night-time transport sufficiency, crime and safety, user and non-user feedback, lighting adequacy and mapping of night workers and their conditions amongst many others.

The MAKE NightMix Index has become the benchmark for many studies globally, but our knowledge of the data, how to segment the night-time economy and ability to model future night-time city change remains unique to us.

Examples of our night-time measurement services include:

  • Undertaking NTE ‘volume & value’ studies

  • Measuring your night-time employment & firm base

  • Mapping night-time cultural spaces and NTE ecosystem

  • Modelling the growth potential of your night-time economy

  • Supporting BIDs to support their NTEs.