CLIENT: Oldham Council

PROJECT: Diversifying the Town Centre After Dark Strategy

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What were MAKE asked to do?

Oldham Council was at a loss for answers to help diversify its night-time economy.  It had featured on BBC1’s prime time current affairs programme Panorama as one of the worst examples of ‘Binge Britain’. The council asked MAKE to produce a strategy which both addressed the alcohol-related disorder associated with its night-time economy and which would also begin to turn around the town’s negative after dark reputation and outline a longer-term process of diversification. 

How did MAKE do it?

  • We brought together at one of our renowned structured events (and also interviewed) every stakeholder with an interest in the future of the town. This included those daytime businesses and retailers who were frustrated about the bad press Oldham was receiving. By doing this we understood the local politics and what the various blockages to change were as well as harnessing practical and creative ideas for transformation. 

  • We reviewed over 20 of the borough’s policies. Some were nothelping to create a vibrant and sustainable night-time economy and some were even in open conflict with others. We set out how these could be harmonised. 

  • Our urban design team produced visuals for quick win design interventions that could enhance, from the simplest lighting schemes to suggestions for how the three existing masterplans could be better cohered in a supplementary planning document, not just at night but for the whole 24 hour operating period of the town centre.

  • We created an overall after dark masterplan with short, medium and longer-term actions for positive change. 

What happened next?

The masterplan has become the blueprint for how small towns with a ‘monocultural’ night-time economy can change. Best Bar None best practice scheme for licensed premises which had been in limbo is now one of the most successful in the country, six problem licensed premises have shut down and several new restaurants have opened in the town. Alcohol-related violence has fallen by over 40%. 

What unique value did MAKE bring to this project?

Because only MAKE possess night-time specific skills in allaspects of planning and managing cities after dark, we were able to create a masterplan that proposed solutions to every area that needed addressing. This is in contrast to other night-time economy strategies we have seen that are driven by, say, economics (because the consultants were economists), or the public realm (because the consultants were urban designers) or reducing crime (because the consultants were… well, you get the picture!). MAKE’s strategy was truly holistic.